build a world where the rights of children and young people are valued,respected & fulfilled


Regional Network of Children and Young People Trust (RNCYPT) is a child and youth focused organization founded in 2012.  RNCYPT works in Zimbabwe and has alliances in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa. Our work focuses on transforming how societies treat children and young people; through ensuring that children and young people are active citizens who demand access to all their rights, hold duty bearers to account and mobilize communities for the respect, promotion and fulfillment of their rights. 


We Work In Synergies With Others

RNCYPT works with local and regional child rights organisations and movements to achieve results for children and young people. We are a member of the Zimbabwe Child Rights Coalition,  African Movement of Working Children and Youth (AMWCY), Girls Not Brides, GBV Network and the Global Partnership to END Violence Against Children

We Establish Child & Youth Led Groups

RNCYPT establishes child and youth participation structures at community level termed child and youth led groups. These groups equip them with knowledge about their rights and enable them to play a role in promoting their rights. 

We Promote Child & Youth Led Advocacy

RNCYPT empowers children and young people to have a voice and capacity to meaningfully and effectively  advocate on issues concerning them.


We Provide Platforms

RNCYPT provides platforms for children and young people to participate on issues affecting them e.g. child led reporting to international and regional child rights conventions i.e. UNCRC and ACRWC respectively. 

We Empower Girls & Young Women

RNCYPT empowers girls and young women to have a voice and demand their rights, ending and or reducing child, early or forced marriages, harmful traditional and religious practices against girls and young women and promote equality.

We Mobilize Communities

RNCYPT works with communities to create an enabling environment for the full realization of children  and young people’s rights.



support us and change the course of a child’s life today!

+263 242 331630
+263 8677 106728

40B Fairmille, Bluffhill Harare, Zimbabwe


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